What kind of learning environment have you created to ensure quality STEM education?

Genevieve Wanjala, PhD, is a Professor of Education in the Department of Educational Administration & Planning, School of Education, University of Nairobi. As one of the Key Note Speakers during the 17th Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (COMSTEDA 17), she brought to the forum her vast knowledge and experience in planning, design, monitoring and evaluation of educational programs. She delivered her speech based on the wealth of research and published articles about learning environments and the quality of technical education. Her address to the conference focused on “STEM Education in Africa – Professional Experience.” As a researcher, she pointed out that quality education could only take place in quality environments that are safe and supportive, contributing to well-being and health. Such environments ipso facto [by that very fact or act] form the basis for positive cognitive, affective and psychomotor engagements where everyone can reach their full potential. The learning environment is central to quality education and must be designed to support all students, teachers and support staff.