Dr Benson Banda
Dr. Benson Banda is currently the Director of the National Science Centre a government education institution under the Ministry of General Education, Zambia. He is the President of Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education in Africa (SMASE-Africa) whose Secretariat is located in Nairobi -Kenya. The two institutions are responsible for Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education in Zambia and Africa respectively. Dr. Banda holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Education Management and Administration (2019) from Rockview University; Master’s degree in Education Policy from Hiroshima University Japan (2011); Post Graduate Certificate from Tochigi Prefecture, Japan (2004); Bachelor of Science and Education degrees from University of Zambia (1995). He holds various professional certificates. His interests are in policy and practice of teacher professional growth in STEM education. He is a member of the School Certificate Committee on Examination Council of Zambia (ECZ) since 1997.
He has made substantial academic contribution through educational research publications on diverse topics presented in international conferences, seminars and symposiums in the area of mathematics, science, technology education, teacher training and lesson study. Dr. Banda is the Chief Editor of the “Zambia Journal for Teachers’ Professional Growth” (ZJTPG) since 2013 and the Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education in Africa (JSTEMEA) since 2017. Further, he is also the Chief Editor for the Zambia Education Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (ZEJSTEM). In his tenure as the President of SMASE – Africa Association, he spearheaded the design and implementation of the Knowledge Co-Creation Program (KCCP) for teachers of mathematics and science in Zambia since 2016. The participants included educators from various African countries sponsored by the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Dr Banda is a Laurette award winner of the “JICA President’s Award” given to eminent persons for outstanding contributions and accomplishments to JICA’s international activities.