The first virtual 18th Conference for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa [COMSTEDA 18] was held on 23rd-25th, November 2021. The theme of the conference was, “Teacher Professional Development in Africa: Knowledge, Skills, Values & Attitudes in STEM Learning Environments”. Teacher professional development in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education is a critical area of discussion owing to its importance in equipping learners with 21st century skills. Research in this area not only widens the scope of understanding the context of STEM education, but also deepens knowledge and skills that respond to the needs of the African continent.
The international forum focused on four topical strands: (1) teacher professional development in Africa towards developing knowledge, skills, and values in STEM learning and teaching engagements; (2) school culture and learning in STEM towards creating supportive learning environments; (3) STEM curriculum development, implementation and assessment; and (4) ICT integration in STEM education.
A total of forty-four papers were presented during the conference. The 4th edition of the journal will continue to further trigger research in this crucial area of STEM education from early learning to tertiary levels of education. This edition contains sixteen (16) research papers that were presented during the forum.
We thank the leadership of the Universidade Rovuma, Mozambique for hosting the conference in partnership with SMASE-Africa. Gratitude to the conference organizing committees with membership drawn from various stakeholders including the country focal point persons for teamwork during the planning and implementation of the conference.
Gratitude to all the SMASE-Africa partners for the provision of material and human resources that immensely contributed to a rich event. We value your contribution and hope to work together in the future. To SMASE Africa delegates, participants, and paper presenters, we are grateful that you chose to be part of this great millstone and for the valuable inputs during the virtual conference.